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Talks and Posters
Cognitive impact and brain structural changes in long COVID patients: a cross-sectional MRI study two years post infection in a cohort from Argentina
Gender similarities and differences in skeletal muscle and body composition: an MRI study of recreational cyclists
Mid-life cyclists preserve muscle mass and composition: a 3D MRI study
Reference values for volume, fat content and shape of the hip abductor muscles in healthy individuals from Dixon MRI
Intramuscular fat in gluteus maximus for different levels of physical activity
Automated multi-atlas segmentation of gluteus maximus from Dixon and T1-weighted magnetic resonance images
Automated measurement of fat infiltration in the hip abductors from Dixon magnetic resonance imaging
Technical Note: Ultra high-resolution radiotracer-specific digital pet brain phantoms based on the BigBrain atlas
Uncemented femoral stem orientation and position in total hip arthroplasty: A CT study
Enhancement of partial volume correction in MR-guided PET image reconstruction by using MRI voxel sizes
Simulation and Design Considerations of a Dual Layer Plastic Scintillator Intraoperative Probe for Radiolabeled Tumours
Assessment of the impact of modeling axial compression on PET image reconstruction
Time-invariant component-based normalization for a simultaneous PET-MR scanner
Cognitive impact and brain structural changes in long COVID patients: a cross-sectional MRI study two years post infection in a cohort from Argentina
Gender similarities and differences in skeletal muscle and body composition: an MRI study of recreational cyclists
Mid-life cyclists preserve muscle mass and composition: a 3D MRI study
Reference values for volume, fat content and shape of the hip abductor muscles in healthy individuals from Dixon MRI
Intramuscular fat in gluteus maximus for different levels of physical activity
Automated multi-atlas segmentation of gluteus maximus from Dixon and T1-weighted magnetic resonance images
Automated measurement of fat infiltration in the hip abductors from Dixon magnetic resonance imaging
Technical Note: Ultra high-resolution radiotracer-specific digital pet brain phantoms based on the BigBrain atlas
Uncemented femoral stem orientation and position in total hip arthroplasty: A CT study
Enhancement of partial volume correction in MR-guided PET image reconstruction by using MRI voxel sizes
Simulation and Design Considerations of a Dual Layer Plastic Scintillator Intraoperative Probe for Radiolabeled Tumours
Assessment of the impact of modeling axial compression on PET image reconstruction
Time-invariant component-based normalization for a simultaneous PET-MR scanner
Beyond Latent Representations: Variational Autoencoders and Saliency Maps for Alzheimer’s Disease Classification
Altered Functional Connectivity in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Resting-State fMRI Study Using Independent Component Analysis
Exploring Hypoperfusion Patterns In Long COVID-19 Patients Using Arterial Spin Labeling
Cognitive Impact and Brain Structural changes in Long COVID patients: a cross-sectional MRI study two years post infection
Estudio del impacto neurocognitivo del COVID prolongado a cuatro años del incio de la pandemia
Desarrollo de una herramienta basada en algoritmos profundo para de aprendizaje la evaluación automática de la musculatura de la zona lumbar a partir de imágenes de resonancia magnética
Desarrollo y evaluación de un predictor de la enfermedad de Alzheimer a partir de la creación de atlas de [18F]-FDG-PET
[18F]FDG PET templates and metabolic connectivity matrices for Alzheimer's disease research
Automated PET quantification of [18F]FDG PET Images for neurodegenerative disorders research
Estudio del Impacto Neurocognitivo del COVID Prolongado en los Habitantes de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
Inteligencia artificial para la salud
The power of communication and lived experience: reflections from the NCAMH awardees
UNSAM y Hospital Eva Perón estudian los efectos prolongados del Covid
¿Tuviste COVID-19 y seguís sufriendo fatiga, pérdida de memoria y/o problemas de concentración? Sumate como voluntarix para un estudio neurológico de la UNSAM y el Hospital Eva Perón
Una universidad argentina convoca a voluntarios para investigar los efectos neurológicos del Covid
Entrevista Proyecto COVID Prolongado Nacional AM870
San Martín: convocan voluntarios para una investigación que estudia los efectos neurológicos post Covid
Inteligencia artificial para la salud
The power of communication and lived experience: reflections from the NCAMH awardees
UNSAM y Hospital Eva Perón estudian los efectos prolongados del Covid
¿Tuviste COVID-19 y seguís sufriendo fatiga, pérdida de memoria y/o problemas de concentración? Sumate como voluntarix para un estudio neurológico de la UNSAM y el Hospital Eva Perón
Una universidad argentina convoca a voluntarios para investigar los efectos neurológicos del Covid
Entrevista Proyecto COVID Prolongado Nacional AM870
San Martín: convocan voluntarios para una investigación que estudia los efectos neurológicos post Covid
Call for Applications: Doctoral Fellowships, CEUNIM - UNSAM
Our project receives an IBRO grant
German Balerdi defends his final project
Sol Cataldo
Milagros Ledesma
German Balerdi
Florencia Sarmiento
Julian Furios
Martín Belzunce
Lautaro Aguzin
Delfina Melchiori
Laboratorio de Procesamiento de Imágenes Médicas
Laboratorio de Procesamiento de Imágenes Médicas
Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnología
Universidad Nacional de San Martin