28 Dec 2023

PET and MRI for Brain Imaging

  • Low-dose PET Image Reconstruction using Deep Learning
  • 4D PET Image Reconstruction using Deep Learning
  • PET Tau and Amyloid-β Imaging to Study Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Imaging Markers for Neurodegenerative Diseases

In this figure, [18F]FDG brain images are shown for two different reconstruction methods: Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization (MLEM) algorithm, the standard PET image reconstruction method, and MR-Assisted MAP-EM reconstruction. The animation shows: 1) the same slice converging to a solution during the reconstruction process, 2) all the slices for the final reconstructed image, and 3) rotating Maximum Intensity Projections (MIPs).

In this figure, we can see a brain segmentation based on the Desikan-Killiany atlas provided by FreeSurfer.

MRI and CT for Musculoskeletal Applications

  • Deep Learning Segmentation Methods for Musculoskeletal Applications
  • MRI Biomarkers to Study Sarcopenia and Muscle Health
  • Deep Learning for Metal-artefacts Reduction Methods
Muscle Segmentation